Signing Up

3 questions


3 questions

Per Bag Pricing

3 questions


3 questions


3 questions

Signing Up
If we don’t service your area yet, please provide your name and email during the sign up process to be placed on our waiting list. We will notify you when we begin servicing your area.

Once you sign up, you’ll be able to select the plan that works best for you. Crave routine? Then our “Weekly” plan is the one for you. Tell us when to come and we’ll be there every week. Prefer a bit more flexibility? We also offer “By Request” service so you can use us only when you need us. We exclusively use Xshore Clean detergent, hypoallergenic and eco-friendly for sensitive skin. scented /unscented, softener,dryer sheets, bleach and color-safe bleach from our wide range of familiar brands. If you have any special instructions or request, just let us know. Last step- enter your billing information and you’re on your way to a laundry- free life.

The only things you need to do between now and Laundry Nirvana are:

  1. Make sure you have “Notifications” switched on in your account so you can receive reminders and alerts as per your preference.
  2. Leave your laundry out on the day of pickup. For your first laundering service, please use disposable or fabric bags marked with your name and “For Xshore Clean”. Please do not use hampers or boxes or any sort. Within a week or so of sign up, you will receive a big blue Xshore Clean laundry bag marked with your name, which holds 30-40lbs of laundry, for your future services.
  3. Your clothes will be returned to you the very next day. Put them in your closet(s) and forget about having to do laundry…ever again.
Pricing depends on your location. Sign up today and find out how much Xshore Clean costs in your neighborhood. *Some locations subject to per-bag pricing.
We bill your credit or debit card directly. We will email you a detailed invoice each time your card is billed. You can also receive invoice totals by text, just update that in your notification preferences.
Your laundry will be weighed before we wash it. All bulk items that are charged separately are removed prior to weighing.
Per Bag Pricing

Per bag pricing is simple! Xshore Clean Wash n Fold will provide you with 2 navy blue bags, sized at 22’ x 28’. add the rest of the sentence and put the correct phone number 888-957-4419 and the rest of the sentence

No, our royal blue per pound Xshore Clean bags are 30’ x 40’. Our navy blue per bag Xshore Clean bags are a smaller size at 22’ x 28’. The amount of laundry that a full per pound royal Xshore Clean bag can contain would fill approximately 2-3 of the navy per bag Xshore Clean bags.
We will provide 2 of our navy per bag Xshore Clean bags folded in with the return of your first service.

If you are on the Weekly Xsore Clean plan, your next pickup will be automatically scheduled for the same day of the following week. If you need to make changes to your Weekly schedule or want to schedule a By-Request Pickup:

1. Log in to your Xsore Clean account (via the mobile app or desktop)
2. Choose the date for your laundry pickup
3. Click update
4. Confirm that your “Next Pickup” has been updated to the date you selected.

Any changes or requests made after 4:00 am on the day of pickup are subject to the flexibility of the Xsore Clean driver’s route for that day.

Isn’t it easier to do everything on your phone?!

Here are some things you can do with your Text-notifications switched on:

1. Confirm or cancel your next Xshore Clean pickup by simply responding to a text.
2. Receive text updates on your driver’s arrival on the day of pickup/drop-off.
3. Receive your invoice totals via text.

Log into your account  and switch on Text Notifications for an added layer of convenience with Xshore Clean!

For your first pick up, any type of plastic or fabric bag will do! Please do not use hampers or boxes.

You will receive a big blue Xshore Clean bag with your first drop off to use moving forward! It holds around 50 pounds. If an additional laundry bag is needed, please call or text Xshore Clean Customer Service at 123-456-7890.

We employ W2 professional staff who complete your laundry in our professional facilities. Laundry is not done by gig workers in their private residences.
Yes! You can select low, medium or high when you set up your preferences. These can also be changed and updated anytime in your account.
Yes! You can select cold, warm or hot when you set up your preferences. These can also be changed and updated anytime in your account.

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